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My research interests include developing novel deep learning methods for
underwater fish detection, segmentation, tracking, and landmark detection.
I also apply deep learning techniques to biomedical image analysis,
such as measuring abdominal muscle dimensions from ultrasound images.

Prawn Weight and Morphometry

Image-Based Prawn Weight and Morphometry Estimation using Deep Learning with Kronecker Product Features and Landmark Localization
A. Saleh, M. Hasan, H. Raadsma, M. Khatkar, D. Jerry, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Landmark Detection

A lightweight Transformer-based model for fish landmark detection
A. Saleh, D. Jones, D. Jerry, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Fish Trajectory Tracking

Unsupervised Fish Trajectory Tracking and Segmentation
A. Saleh, M. Sheaves, D. Jerry, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Fish Classification Survey

Computer vision and deep learning for fish classification in underwater habitats: A survey
A. Saleh, M. Sheaves, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Fish Segmentation

Transformer-based Self-Supervised Fish Segmentation in Underwater Videos
A. Saleh, M. Sheaves, D. Jerry, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

A Tutorial and Survey

Applications of deep learning in fish habitat monitoring: A tutorial and survey
A. Saleh, M. Sheaves, D. Jerry, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Fish Segmentation

Weakly supervised underwater fish segmentation using affinity LCFCN
IH. Laradji, A. Saleh, P. Rodriguez, D. Nowrouzezahrai, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

Ultrasound Images

A deep learning localization method for measuring abdominal muscle dimensions in ultrasound images
A. Saleh, IH. Laradji, C. Lammie, D. Vazquez, CA. Flavell, MR. Azghadi [PDF]

DeepFish Dataset

A realistic fish-habitat dataset to evaluate algorithms for underwater visual analysis
A. Saleh, IH. Laradji, DA. Konovalov, M. Bradley, D. Vazquez, M. Sheaves [PDF]

Fish Weight

Automatic weight estimation of harvested fish from images
DA. Konovalov, A. Saleh, DB. Efremova, JA. Domingos, DR. Jerry [PDF]

Fish Detection

Underwater fish detection with weak multi-domain supervision
DA. Konovalov, A. Saleh, M. Bradley, M. Sankupellay, S. Marini, M. Sheaves [PDF]

Fish Mass

Estimating mass of harvested Asian seabass Lates calcarifer from images
DA. Konovalov, A. Saleh, JA. Domingos, RD. White, DR. Jerry [PDF]